Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.
Adams female
Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.
Adams midge
Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.
Adams olive
Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.
Adams parachute
Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.
Adams purple parachute
Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.
Adams wulff
Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.
Adams yellow
Dry flies are designed to mimic insects in their adult state and float on the surface of a river or still water to imitate live insects and entice fish to come to the surface for a meal.